Amity University Chhattisgarh (Raipur) is a part of 20-year old, leading education group of India, set up with a vision to contribute to nation-building through education, where currently 1,50,000+ students are pursuing 250 programmes across campuses in India and abroad. Amity University Chhattisgarh (Raipur) is yet another landmark project by Amity to revolutionize the Indian higher education sector by providing globally benchmarked, research and employment oriented education.
At RUAS, we believe that education, industry, and society are deeply interlinked. Each can and should mould the other. This is the driving idea behind the design of all our programs and courses. Our curriculum reflects a changing society. It is rooted firmly in the present and unflinchingly faces the future. It focuses on what is and the immense possibilities of what can be. Because at RUAS, we don’t just create competent graduates. We create the thinkers, makers, and doers of a better world.
In 700th meeting of Council of IEI, held on March 31-01 April, 2018 at Hyderabad, IEI added a new fora – National Skill Development Forum (NSDF), headquartered in picturesque Queen of Hill, Shimla.
NSDF, is upgradation of Centre for Skill Development and Engineering Consultancy (CSDEC), a ‘State of Art’ equipped centre of excellence for learning established under the aegis of Institution of Engineers (India)
CSDEC through various programs, enhanced the skills and competencies of more than 2500 serving professionals & executives from all corners of India since May 2015, which in return has rewarded CSDEC with excellent reputation in skill development, functional competencies enhancement, hospitality, top level facilities and high end ambience.
SIDM is a not-for-profit association formed to be the Apex body of the Indian defence industry. SIDM plays a proactive role as an advocat, catalyst, and facilitator fo the growth and capability building of the defence industry in India.
Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) is an apex professional organization representing the Central Government Public Enterprises. It has also some State Enterprises, Banks and other Institutions as its Members. It is promoting excellence in organizations where public investment is involved, in order to enable them to be globally competitive.
SCOPE came into existence on April 10, 1973 and was formally given recognition as an apex body of Central Public Sector Enterprises in November 1976 by a decision of the Union Cabinet.
The Institution of Engineers (India) [IEI] is the largest multi-disciplinary professional body of engineers, established in 1920 with its Headquarters located in Kolkata and incorporated under Royal Charter on 9th September, 1935 by the then His Majesty of King George V. The Royal Charter endowed the Institution with the responsibility to promote the general advancement of engineering amongst its members and persons attached to the Institution. After Independence, the Institution is a “Body Corporate” protected under Article 372 of the Constitution of India. The Institution of Engineers (India) is administered by a National Council with the President as its Head.
The Institution has been serving the engineering fraternity for over a Century with its national and international presence through 125 Centres spread all over India, 6 Overseas Chapters, 6 Fora and an Organ namely Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), Hyderabad. The Institution encompasses 15 (fifteen) engineering disciplines with a Corporate membership of over 2 lakhs.